Chain HKK 40-SB HKK 50-SB HKK 60-SB X&C Bearing Factory

We are exporters of bearings, selling high quality bearings, made in China, if you have bearing requirements, please ask us for an inquiry.

Bearing model list


Side Bow Chain
QUICK    ► Solid Roller ► Solid Bushing
REFERENCE    ► Cotter Connecting Links
HKK Side Bow roller chain consists of standard solid roller / solid
bushing roller links. Specially designed pin links allow increased
clearance between pins and bushings and between the roller link
and pin link plates. This feature gives the chain freedom to slightly
twist or curve on a horizontal plane.
HKK Side Bow Chain No. Pitch R( )ller Pin Plate Overall Width Min. Curve Radius Maximum Allowable Load (lbs) Average Ultimate Strength (lbs) Avg. Weight Per Foot (lbs)
Dia. Width Dia. Height Thickness
A B W D H T L1 L2 Riveted
HKK 40-SB 1/2 0.312 .312 0.141 0.457 0.060 0.335 0.401 13.780 400 3,510 0.41
HKK 50-SB 5/8 0.400 .375 0.175 0.571 0.080 0.407 0.483 15.748 700 5,460 0.68
HKK 60-SB 3/4 0.469 0.500 0.200 0.689 0.094 0.512 0.583 19.685 950 7,300 0.94
HKK 80-SB 1 0.625 0.625 0.281 0.921 0.125 0.654 0.736 23.622 1,700 14,000 1.66

We are exporters of bearings, selling high quality bearings, made in China, if you have bearing requirements, please ask us for an inquiry.